Art Licensing Representatives for Featured Artists

Wildlife Madagascar
Wildlife Madagascar Wildlife Madagascar aims to apply an integrated community conservation and development approach to protecting wildlife in a designated area of Madagascar. Projects include park management planning and implementation, community patrolling services,...

The Misters
The Misters Jim Benton is an award-winning author and artist, a TV and film producer, a joke writer, screenwriter, and very successful licensor of his own original properties. His work has hung in the offices of The New Yorker Magazine, The Society of Illustrators,...

Jason Tharp
Jason Tharp Ever since Jason Tharp was six years old, he dreamed of creating stories that inspire kids to embrace who they are. Today, as a children’s book author and illustrator, he brings that dream to life through books that champion kindness, creativity, and...

Fluff Fluff was founded in 2002 by artist and designer, Claudette Barjoud. Her passion for art started as a little girl escaping into her own world through drawing. The inspiration for Claudette's artwork is from the things she loves, among them; Midcentury style ,...